Friday, December 31, 2010
I can not classify you as "One of the best" years of my life.
But, I can classify you as "One of the most Important and Hardest" years of my Life.
You taught me about life consequences.
You taught me about being alone in the real world.
You taught me no matter what my family loves me.
You taught me to work hard.
You taught me to grow up.
You taught me to mature.
You let me test my wings.
You let me fail.
You let me learn.
You let me hurt
You let me heal.
You let me reflect.
You showed me tough love.
I have never been more humbled in my life, then by you 2010.
You were my wake up call from the real world.
I am now a year older.
though not even an inch taller.
And in this coming year I hope to make you proud 2010.
No matter how much I wanted you to be like 2009,
or how much I wanted you to skip forward to 2016.
I know see the purpose you served.
In 2011 I hope to:
Be more humble, kind and loyal
Regain a friend or two.
Make a friend or two.
Start at UVU or U of U.
Learn to be a teacher
Learn to take a better photo.
Speak out for what I believe in.
Happy New Years Everyone.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Today is a day of MUSIC
But unlike you "Traditional" people.
I'm not listening to Christmas music.
BUT! I am Listening to a Christmas CD:)
My good friend Ruth (
recorded her beautiful voice on a CD for my Christmas present:)
She is Amazing!
You can check out her music by going here=!/pages/Ruthie-Von/172579272782370
My personal Favorite is her cover of "I'm good, I'm gone"
So SONG of the Day.....
I'm good, I'm gone - Lykke Li / Ruthie Von
You went away- Tegan and Sara
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Bordem...YES. Cleaning my room...NO.
He said he wanted to drop by between 1 and 2....
I'm not a patient person....
So while waiting I:
Crocheted a scarf for a certain someone.
My scarf is only about half as long as it should be....
Christmas is in three days.
Oh dear... I may be in trouble:/
Where are magical elves when you need them?!?!?
Talked to Ella.
Ella is my cat.
I told her all my worries and woes.
She didn't seemed too worried
The again, she went to sleep while I ranted..
Not a good sign I think.
Listened to "T-in the Park"
"T-in the Park" is a musical festival held in Scotland.
The Killer's played there in 2009.
There is something magical about hearing a band live (or recorded live)
You can just feel the tremble of Brandon Flower's voice in your heart.
Or at least...
I can.
P.S. it is 1:51....
I am so not patient:(
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Friendship Food
Thursday, December 9, 2010
KamERON, Ruth-not-Ruthie and ME!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I will take a trip.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The posts of things I wish were longer.
-Kristopher and Amy are married.
-"Muddy Wedding Dress Train Cleaner" is officially on my resume.
- I'm more comfortable behind a camera then in front.
- I'm a pro. at reception lines ( Just don't ask Melissa)
- Amy= Bride! Julie= Bridesmaid! Don't mix up!
- I'm so happy for Kristopher and Amy.
-This post doesn't do them justice :(
* Primary*
-Today I was asked to substitute Primary.
-It was the best two hours I have ever spent in church.
- Later that day I was called to be a Primary Teacher.
-I am truly blessed.
-Song Of The Day: Fog- Radiohead
There's a little child
Running round this house
And he never leaves
He will never leave
And the fog comes up from the sewers
And glows in the dark
Baby alligators in the sewers grow up fast
Grow up fast
Anything you want it can be done
How did you go bad?
Did you go bad?
Did you go bad?
**Somethings will never wash away
Did you go bad?
Did you go bad?
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I coughed up a lung..maybe even 2....
I tried to love my hair
I tried to love my brides maid dress...
I tried to reach Krystal.
I still was coughing up lungs
I didn't love my hair
I banished my dress to the closet
I asked Krystal if she was alive.
That's what she said:
Krystal said "No"
I found puff, while still coughing up lungs
I didn't clean my room
I watched "Looney Toons"
I watched "Inception"
Makes my head a good way.
Makes me watch for strange things and then connect strange things,
until the strange things are normal.
Yet they aren't normal....
I'm not normal
I don't want to listen to country love songs.
How many times do we re-do something in life?
Do we come back again and again until we do it right?
I'm stuck in limbo when it comes to ANYTHING creative
I can't edit pictures.
I can't crochet
I can't even color a silly picture of a duck.
I wish I knew how to knit.
What did I do?
Song of the day:
Never Enough- Holiday Parade
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
You had better Shape up.
I have had "You're the one that I want" stuck in my head.
After that, the Floodgates broke and now all these songs from musicals are flooding in.
There's no blizzard in Utah county, but there's a flood of musical numbers!
Forget about the Boy- Thoroughly Modern Millie
Made a Classic by the band boys :)
Holding out for a Hero- Footloose
You're the One that I want- Grease
Thanks GLEE
On My Own- Les Miserables
Once again GLEE!
Once Upon a December - Anastasia
My childhood friend and I use to dance around her living room, belting this out at the top of our lungs.
Sunrise, Sunset- The Fiddler on the Roof
My Daddy would sing this too me
Think of Me- Phantom of the Opera
Phantom of The Opera has many amazing songs but this has always been the one to get stuck in my mind
Seasons of Love- RENT
I remember Andy, and other friends, sang this our 9th grade year in Choir.
Andy was always humming it on the bus.
Can you tell I have a cold?
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Section of Selection
*I now see the happiness it brings.
*It makes me wish I could sing and dance around.
*Glee also provides one with a great selection of funny quotes.
*I'm no good at finding those new songs, like many of my friends
*I just ride the the "popular train" when it comes by.
*Or I copy what my friends are in love with
*I also enjoy listen to the same old songs over and over.
*That's just me.
*I'm no good at this music stuff.
Please don't even ask.....
Jenny - The Killers
Sam- L.o.t.R & The Killers
Jess- Gilmore Girls
Lucy- The Beatles & Narnia
SONG OF THE DAY: I don't wanna to be in Love ( Anthem) - Good Charlotte
Monday, November 22, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hours pass, and she still counts the Minutes
Cause none of us thought it was gonna end that way
Credit: Brandon Flowers, Taylor Swift, Jack's Mannequin, Good Charlotte, Something Corporate, Ruth, and Kameron
most people are asleep
I'm not most people....
I was awake and restless
My Kitty didn't want to cuddle
My feet were cold
and a strange light was glowing through the window.
Luckily my chair was soft and comfy
and I found the remote.
Oh my....
It's Brandon Flowers
On a Jay Leno re-run.
Brandon Flowers sung me to sleep.

Friday, November 19, 2010
R.I.P. Red Box
Can't ever seem to return a Redbox movie within 24 hours!!!
In fact I seem to hang on to them til I could have just gone to walmart and bought it for keeps :/
(On mii wii...I'm just so funny)
Want to know what I'm excited to INSTANTLY watch on my Wii????
#1... GLEE!!!!!!!!!
(I have never seen it because I refuse to start watching something in the middle! I have to start at Season 1 episode 1)
#3 Bugs Bunny
#4 ARTHUR!!!!!
Anyone starting to see a theme????
#5 Princess and the Frog
#6 HEY! Arnold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
( I love that football head!)
#7 Planet 51
ONLY because it plays "Spaceman" by THE KILLERS..... two WHOLE times!
#8 PONYO!!!!!!!!!!
If you have never seen Ponyo then SHAME ON YOU!
#9 Footloose
Thanks THS...
#10 500 days of Summer!
Day 738 is going great.....
(FYI: That number is fictional)
Prideful as ever
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I had a great quote from Elizabethtown (that had nothing to do with goals) that I wanted to share:(
Any Who,
Goal: Blog everyday ( Though my life is not that exciting people!)
Additional Goal: Add a picture or two for Carmen
Question: Dose this post count for the day?
Two years ago EXACTLY I did my first "Photo shoot"
I had always had my camera with me and would take, to every ones GREAT annoyance, a million pictures of my friends, but this was the first time I took "posed" pictures.
Photo Shoot: Rock Stars
Models: Kam, Jose and Jason.
Jose was all for being a rock star, but Kam and Jason took some convincing...
Jason had burnt his finger that day and was cranky
Kam just hates pictures. period.
I think it helped that Katie needed these pictures for her photo class:)
"Ethnic Accident"

As you can see,
I took these pictures with a simple "point and shoot" digital camera and I forgot to take the date stamp off....Oops!
P.S. Katie is also a wonderful photographer! Check her out!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Something We All Need
Don't get me wrong! I love my fun fantasy photo shoots with my friends...
But, I want to create a picture that some one can look at and draw strength or hope or power from it.
I want to touch someone's life. ( really I'd settle for touching a minute of their day)
Theme: Waiting for a Change
So as I sit here at my computer with photo editing mind block...
*I think of the exact people I would want to Shoot ( with a camera) if I was brave enough to ask them.
*I read Carman Thorley's blog ( because her words in a strange way always make me feel brave.
p.s. You really should check out her blog :)
* I play the song "How to Save a Life" by: The Fray repeatedly through my head
* I also may ponder "Raise Your Glass" by: PINK
*I don't text
* I make lots and lots of grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes
* I mostly just sit, think, dream and feel increasingly un-brave.
I really want to make a change, ya know?
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Calvin and Susie

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Things To Avoid When Dating...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Dear World... Am I that pathetic?
The question is: Why?
Possible Answer: I'm pathetic.
But I must ask....
Do guys really punch out the guy who kissed their girlfriend behind their back?
When you look out your window at the moon and stars, is the person your thinking of really doing the exact same thing?
Dose patient girl always get her guy?
Dose the "good" guy win the girl from the not-as-good-but-still-great guy?
Dose anyone really have a romantic-non-awkward first kiss?
Yes, I am well aware I am kind of pathetic...but I mean really! I just don't see those things happening a lot in the real world.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Beauty And The Big Bro: A Love Story

AKA: The Beauty
(If you were smart, you met her in "His Heart Bleeds Blue". If you are dumb...then you didn't...)

AKA: The Big Bro
AKA: Kristopher
Since Amy has no idea I am writting this, so she can not possibly tell it herself, I will give you a quick run through of the ...
By: Lil' Sis
* Big Bro serverd a misson in Indiana
* Amy is from Indiana
* BUT Amy goes to BYU, Which is in Utah...
* LUCKILY Amy went home to Indiana for the summer :)
* The last area Elder Big Bro served in was a YSA Studnet area
*This means Elder Big Bro and his companion did everything the YSA College kids did.
* So this is how Elder Big Bro came to be at FHE where Amy was attending, while home for the summer :)
Elder Big Bro was a good missionary and Amy is a good girl, so nothing "romantic" happned. This is just how they first met.
* Elder Big Bro and Amy talk for about 5 seconds...
* Both claim the other hated them... silly Elder Big Bro and Amy :)
* Big Bro comes home to Utah July 27th.
* Amy is still in Indiana ( I think...)
* Amy soon comes back to Utah for the start of school
* Big Bro offers to help Amy move into her apartment.
* It took Big Bro about 8 hours to help Amy "move in" and all she needed help with was one big desk.... hmmm
* Big Bro, Amy and Sean hike to the "Y".
* Big Bro LIES to Amy about having to go home to an empty house * :'( *, so Amy takes pity on him and agrees to go to a movie with him.
* Big Bro finds excuses to visit Amy every day
* Excuses like: " Amy needs a laptop and dosen't have a car" and "Amy has a Headache and needs meds."
* Soon we never see Big Bro no more :(
* Big Bro likes Amy
* Amy likes Big Bro
* Amy ends up owing roomates Ice cream ;)
* Big Bro relaizes that he loves Amy
* Big Bro want to be with Amy forever
* Amy feels the same :)
* They decide they want to be together forever
* Big Bro FORGETS to tell Lil' Sis he is proposing.... :/
* Big Bro and Amy go pick out a ring
* Amy's roomates quickly make themselves dissappear from her apartment
* Big Bro is late for work.... So he calls and tells a Traffic Fib
* Big Bro tells Amy he loves her and asks her to be his wife for enterity
* Amy says... YES!
* Lil' Sis has no clue this is evern happening.... >:(
* Big Bro finally remembers to call Lil' Sis :)
* This story has no end:) You must have forgot they are going to be together FOREVER
* This chapter though, will end December 4th or 18th ( don't ask) at the Jordan River or Timpanogos Temple.
So there you go:)
*There is a chance I may have gotten somethings wrong... but I tried my best to remember how everything went:)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Teenage pregnancy.
Health Class?
or Adult Roles?
or Home EC.?
or some class!!!!
where they gave you and a "spouse" :
a robot baby doll?
or an egg?
or a sack of flour?
or a normal doll?
And those crazy teachers said that for a week you were going to experience
The Life of a Teenage Parent?
They said you would:
Get up at 3 AM to "feed"
"Change" diapers every two hours
"Find a Sitter" if you wished to go out
Rock the baby as he/she "cried"
Now I ask you.....
Who locked their baby in their locker?
Who skipped a 3 AM feeding?
Who just let their "partner" have it the whole time so they would get a good grade?
Who gave it to their friends to watch...and then their friends dropped the flour baby and it spilled all over the band room? Never mind...
Who REALLY changed a "diaper" ?
Who really found a "sitter" and didn't just leave it in their room?
The answer: ME! YOU! THEM! and then NOT ME,YOU, or THEM to the last two.....
Don't get me wrong I'm sure out there some people really did everything to a perfect "T" ...but not many of us did.
So what I'm trying to say is that I don't think we really got the idea....
We skipped somethings, sluffed others and just plain forgot about the rest.
We scribbled quick diary logs for the past week, five minutes before it was due.
In the end we got a grade, handed our baby back ( or made it into a cake), and thought
"Wow...that was..Interesting..."
and then we moved on with the rest of our lives.
BASICALLY: We didn't learn our lesson.
So.... I think High Schools should give out newborn baby Kittens....
Friday, August 27, 2010
His Heart Bleeds Blue
Wanna know why???
Big Bro is not here....
Wanna know where he is?
Yes, I'm sure lots of you are saying "So what?"
"Kris Loves BYU!"
"Kris bleeds BLUE!"
"Why on earth dose it matter or come as a surprise that he is at BYU????"
My Big Bro
IS NOT there for sports!
IS NOT there for schooling!
IS NOT there for their AMAZING ice cream! (which I have never had :/ )
My Big Bro is there... for a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!
Sadly "Big Bro" declined to comment on this SHOCKING turn of events....
This means that my Big Bro is grown up....
Girls no longer have cooties!
Now.... Girls= YIPPY!
(Yes, this Blog post should have been written when he was like 17...but SHHH! He was a little late to the I

WE have always said all WE want is for Big Bro to just date a girl and get married...but idk anymore....
I think I may drop out of the "WE" club.
I miss my Big Bro......
Can we go back to girls have cooties????
I don't know if I like this growing up deal.....
Just saying....
Saturday, August 21, 2010
My dad the Friendly Creep!
His phone dings.
"Hmm that’s interesting" he muses
"Who is it Dad"
"Idk. It says "Hi is this josh? -Megs"
I have by now lost interest. Silly me thinks my father will ignore it or say "No, wrong number."
But of course my over friendly Father has other plans....
He begins to text back, saying out loud what he types“No this is.."
"Dad! Don't give them your name. You don't know who it is."
Why on Earth is the 18 year old having to remind the 43 ( 44?) year old about safety???? Anyway...
"Oh... I will just give my first name."
“No dad..."
" Fine.."
Once more he begins to text, saying out loud what he is typing
" No this is not Josh, Who is this?"
"What?!?!?! I want to know who it is."
"Well obviously it's "Megs".... BUT that's such a stalker thing to do!!!"
I maybe then made some snide remark about him being born in the late 60's making him feel the need to have the spirit of free love, peace and open friendly-ness to strangers....
But my remark made no difference.
He asked her who it was anyways..... My Dad the Friendly Creep.....
Thursday, June 24, 2010
FRiends are like cheese. I have no clue why.
I want o go and out and see people!
BUt all of my people are far away in UTah
Hmmm.... SO it gets me to thinking about friends and why a girl like me loves/needs/cherishes them.
laughteryellinginsultskindnessrunningyoga downwarddogeyelinerKillersipodsbass cowboyscorkypumpkinsdreams
Oh and there is so much more......