Sunday, September 26, 2010

Calvin and Susie

I've never been sure why... but Susie and Calvin ( Calvin and Hobbes)
always remind me of myself and my friend Andy.
Maybe it's because we met in 1st grade and had a love/hate relationship:)
The funny things is Andy is in no way like Calvin.
But when you put Calvin with Susie, I'm automatically reminded of school days past.
Though it was probably me copying his math answers rather then the other way around
And He never through slush balls at me.
But we did have quite a few comical fights on the play ground.
Too bad Bill Watterson never drew Calvin and Susie grown up :(
Because we have long since left the playgrounds of 1st grade.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Things To Avoid When Dating...

When Dating...

*Avoid spilling your water bottle all over your sweater when your date is about to arrive in five minutes

*When wearing a sweater.... have a tee shirt under it, NOT a tank top :/

*If you pick the meeting spot, make sure you know how to give direction to it.

*New shoes are not recommended if you plan to be walking all over.

*Don't lose your phone...

On a side note

*Urban Outfitter is the COOLEST store:)
And the BEST when you have to hurry and buy a replacement sweater:)

*Salt Lake City is BEAUTIFUL at night:)

*Apricot Chicken at Olive Garden is YUMMY!

*Laughing Stock at the OBT Theater is a MUST see:)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dear World... Am I that pathetic?

So I got hooked on "Dawson's Creek"...
The question is: Why?
Possible Answer: I'm pathetic.

But I must ask....

Do guys really punch out the guy who kissed their girlfriend behind their back?

When you look out your window at the moon and stars, is the person your thinking of really doing the exact same thing?

Dose patient girl always get her guy?

Dose the "good" guy win the girl from the not-as-good-but-still-great guy?

Dose anyone really have a romantic-non-awkward first kiss?

Yes, I am well aware I am kind of pathetic...but I mean really! I just don't see those things happening a lot in the real world.

Friday, September 17, 2010






This is MY "Ruth"

( I do have to share her with Kam though...)

Ruths are good for a great deal of things

Or at least MY Ruth is...

*Ruths help you embrace you childhood dreams of riding ponies

even if you get cold feet...

*Ruths understand when you just have to rant

sometimes she even lets me say a mean thing and doesn't hold it against me because she knows I'm just fired up and rally I am a nice person...really...I am.

*Ruths take you to your very first backyard concert

or very first concert ever....

*Ruths understand your crazy need to feed ducks

and the urge to scream when they "shoot" at you....

*Ruths NEVER complain about your driving

though she may be screaming silently in her head....

*Ruths understand the need to find a black rose

Kams do too...

*Ruths are good at understanding your need to find "Charles" the English man

too some

* Ruths will support your side when you get into debates with Kams

Shaved face vs. shaved legs

*Ruths share music with you

She also will put up with your lack of knowledge when it comes to music...

* Ruths understand the addiction cotton candy can create


Ruths though sometimes have to have surgery on their mouths.....

So Kaylas write blogs about Ruths in hopes of her feeling better.

Because EVERYBODY needs a Ruth

So we really try hard to make sure they don't die.....


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Beauty And The Big Bro: A Love Story

This is AMY

AKA: The Beauty

(If you were smart, you met her in "His Heart Bleeds Blue". If you are dumb...then you didn't...)

This is Monkey Butt

AKA: The Big Bro

AKA: Kristopher

Incase you have not heard, they have decided to get


It is a short(who would have thought Big Bro. could move so fast???) but Romantic ( if Amy tells it) *LOVE STORY *

Since Amy has no idea I am writting this, so she can not possibly tell it herself, I will give you a quick run through of the ...


By: Lil' Sis

* Big Bro serverd a misson in Indiana

* Amy is from Indiana

* BUT Amy goes to BYU, Which is in Utah...

* LUCKILY Amy went home to Indiana for the summer :)

* The last area Elder Big Bro served in was a YSA Studnet area

*This means Elder Big Bro and his companion did everything the YSA College kids did.

* So this is how Elder Big Bro came to be at FHE where Amy was attending, while home for the summer :)



Elder Big Bro was a good missionary and Amy is a good girl, so nothing "romantic" happned. This is just how they first met.

* Elder Big Bro and Amy talk for about 5 seconds...

* Both claim the other hated them... silly Elder Big Bro and Amy :)

* Big Bro comes home to Utah July 27th.

* Amy is still in Indiana ( I think...)

* Amy soon comes back to Utah for the start of school

* Big Bro offers to help Amy move into her apartment.

* It took Big Bro about 8 hours to help Amy "move in" and all she needed help with was one big desk.... hmmm

* Big Bro, Amy and Sean hike to the "Y".

* Big Bro LIES to Amy about having to go home to an empty house * :'( *, so Amy takes pity on him and agrees to go to a movie with him.

* Big Bro finds excuses to visit Amy every day

* Excuses like: " Amy needs a laptop and dosen't have a car" and "Amy has a Headache and needs meds."

* Soon we never see Big Bro no more :(

* Big Bro likes Amy

* Amy likes Big Bro

* Amy ends up owing roomates Ice cream ;)

* Big Bro relaizes that he loves Amy

* Big Bro want to be with Amy forever

* Amy feels the same :)

* They decide they want to be together forever

* Big Bro FORGETS to tell Lil' Sis he is proposing.... :/

* Big Bro and Amy go pick out a ring

* Amy's roomates quickly make themselves dissappear from her apartment

* Big Bro is late for work.... So he calls and tells a Traffic Fib

* Big Bro tells Amy he loves her and asks her to be his wife for enterity

* Amy says... YES!

* Lil' Sis has no clue this is evern happening.... >:(

* Big Bro finally remembers to call Lil' Sis :)

* This story has no end:) You must have forgot they are going to be together FOREVER

* This chapter though, will end December 4th or 18th ( don't ask) at the Jordan River or Timpanogos Temple.

So there you go:)

*There is a chance I may have gotten somethings wrong... but I tried my best to remember how everything went:)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Teenage pregnancy.

Do you remember in High School:
Health Class?
or Adult Roles?
or Home EC.?
or some class!!!!
where they gave you and a "spouse" :
a robot baby doll?
or an egg?
or a sack of flour?
or a normal doll?

And those crazy teachers said that for a week you were going to experience
The Life of a Teenage Parent?

They said you would:
Get up at 3 AM to "feed"
"Change" diapers every two hours
"Find a Sitter" if you wished to go out
Rock the baby as he/she "cried"

Now I ask you.....

Who locked their baby in their locker?
Who skipped a 3 AM feeding?
Who just let their "partner" have it the whole time so they would get a good grade?
Who gave it to their friends to watch...and then their friends dropped the flour baby and it spilled all over the band room? Never mind...
Who REALLY changed a "diaper" ?
Who really found a "sitter" and didn't just leave it in their room?

The answer: ME! YOU! THEM! and then NOT ME,YOU, or THEM to the last two.....

Don't get me wrong I'm sure out there some people really did everything to a perfect "T" ...but not many of us did.

So what I'm trying to say is that I don't think we really got the idea....
We skipped somethings, sluffed others and just plain forgot about the rest.
We scribbled quick diary logs for the past week, five minutes before it was due.
In the end we got a grade, handed our baby back ( or made it into a cake), and thought
"Wow...that was..Interesting..."
and then we moved on with the rest of our lives.

BASICALLY: We didn't learn our lesson.

So.... I think High Schools should give out newborn baby Kittens....