Sunday, September 26, 2010

Calvin and Susie

I've never been sure why... but Susie and Calvin ( Calvin and Hobbes)
always remind me of myself and my friend Andy.
Maybe it's because we met in 1st grade and had a love/hate relationship:)
The funny things is Andy is in no way like Calvin.
But when you put Calvin with Susie, I'm automatically reminded of school days past.
Though it was probably me copying his math answers rather then the other way around
And He never through slush balls at me.
But we did have quite a few comical fights on the play ground.
Too bad Bill Watterson never drew Calvin and Susie grown up :(
Because we have long since left the playgrounds of 1st grade.


  1. haha you and Andy for sure :)
    you should put up a new one :)

  2. jajaj, que linda historia. La mia tambien crecio y soy un adulto y amo a aquella mujer que me odia. pero estoy perdido de amor....
