Dear 2010,
I can not classify you as "One of the best" years of my life.
But, I can classify you as "One of the most Important and Hardest" years of my Life.
You taught me about life consequences.
You taught me about being alone in the real world.
You taught me no matter what my family loves me.
You taught me to work hard.
You taught me to grow up.
You taught me to mature.
You let me test my wings.
You let me fail.
You let me learn.
You let me hurt
You let me heal.
You let me reflect.
You showed me tough love.
I have never been more humbled in my life, then by you 2010.
You were my wake up call from the real world.
I am now a year older.
though not even an inch taller.
And in this coming year I hope to make you proud 2010.
No matter how much I wanted you to be like 2009,
or how much I wanted you to skip forward to 2016.
I know see the purpose you served.
In 2011 I hope to:
Be more humble, kind and loyal
Regain a friend or two.
Make a friend or two.
Start at UVU or U of U.
Learn to be a teacher
Learn to take a better photo.
Speak out for what I believe in.
Happy New Years Everyone.
i really like that kayla