Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's a GIVEAWAY!!!!

Check it out!







Thursday, May 26, 2011

Please just Let this week end.

Responsibility is a Big word.
It has a Big meaning too.
Sometimes I feel like all my Responsibility
gets used on the wrong things.
This week has been horrible and full rocky moments.
I'm sick of tripping and falling.
I think I will just lay here on the ground until next week.

Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm Kinda LUCKY

This is Ruth.

She is UBER talented


One day she will be FAMOUS

Her music is


every day

and for

any mood

one might be in.


She is EXTRA amazing

after one

has had a VERY bad day.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

I love to write letters,

yet I deeply struggle with sending them.

Most are enveloped and stamped...

yet they sit in my room,

in my "secret" drawer

full of unsent letters.

There just something too final

about closing my little


in a metal box

surrounded by bricks

for my liking.

Maybe if I had a more happy


using a mailbox would be easier :/

Monday, May 2, 2011


Today I feel like I'm a horribly mean Nanny....

Aidan has defiantly been on a rebellious act today,

and I have retaliated with a mean act.

He is driving me crazy!

...And I'm sure I'm driving him crazy.

I could easily Blame it on:

*We both woke up on

the wrong side of the bed.

* Catholic Schools give to much

homework to 2nd graders

* My 5 hours of sleep.

* and the thought that maybe

we shouldn't make children bathe,

in fact we should just

let them roll around in mud 24/7

Or maybe I could take a deep breathe

and remind myself that:

*It's tough being a kid

* I never liked math either.

* I also hate getting up extra early to take

a semi-warm shower.

* I got to read Harry Potter

today, while he had to sit in class.

* I was rebellious at 8.

* Aidan has many good quality

that I enjoy.

and most important

*This day will come to an end

and we can try for a better tomorrow.

I think now I will end this Post,

Take one more calming breath,

walk up to Aidan's room,

where he has been sent

to think over this


and we can talk about went

wrong today.

Maybe then we can both say

sorry, come downstairs

and have a brownie.

Wish me luck!