Friday, September 17, 2010






This is MY "Ruth"

( I do have to share her with Kam though...)

Ruths are good for a great deal of things

Or at least MY Ruth is...

*Ruths help you embrace you childhood dreams of riding ponies

even if you get cold feet...

*Ruths understand when you just have to rant

sometimes she even lets me say a mean thing and doesn't hold it against me because she knows I'm just fired up and rally I am a nice person...really...I am.

*Ruths take you to your very first backyard concert

or very first concert ever....

*Ruths understand your crazy need to feed ducks

and the urge to scream when they "shoot" at you....

*Ruths NEVER complain about your driving

though she may be screaming silently in her head....

*Ruths understand the need to find a black rose

Kams do too...

*Ruths are good at understanding your need to find "Charles" the English man

too some

* Ruths will support your side when you get into debates with Kams

Shaved face vs. shaved legs

*Ruths share music with you

She also will put up with your lack of knowledge when it comes to music...

* Ruths understand the addiction cotton candy can create


Ruths though sometimes have to have surgery on their mouths.....

So Kaylas write blogs about Ruths in hopes of her feeling better.

Because EVERYBODY needs a Ruth

So we really try hard to make sure they don't die.....


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