AKA: The Beauty
(If you were smart, you met her in "His Heart Bleeds Blue". If you are dumb...then you didn't...)

AKA: The Big Bro
AKA: Kristopher
Since Amy has no idea I am writting this, so she can not possibly tell it herself, I will give you a quick run through of the ...
By: Lil' Sis
* Big Bro serverd a misson in Indiana
* Amy is from Indiana
* BUT Amy goes to BYU, Which is in Utah...
* LUCKILY Amy went home to Indiana for the summer :)
* The last area Elder Big Bro served in was a YSA Studnet area
*This means Elder Big Bro and his companion did everything the YSA College kids did.
* So this is how Elder Big Bro came to be at FHE where Amy was attending, while home for the summer :)
Elder Big Bro was a good missionary and Amy is a good girl, so nothing "romantic" happned. This is just how they first met.
* Elder Big Bro and Amy talk for about 5 seconds...
* Both claim the other hated them... silly Elder Big Bro and Amy :)
* Big Bro comes home to Utah July 27th.
* Amy is still in Indiana ( I think...)
* Amy soon comes back to Utah for the start of school
* Big Bro offers to help Amy move into her apartment.
* It took Big Bro about 8 hours to help Amy "move in" and all she needed help with was one big desk.... hmmm
* Big Bro, Amy and Sean hike to the "Y".
* Big Bro LIES to Amy about having to go home to an empty house * :'( *, so Amy takes pity on him and agrees to go to a movie with him.
* Big Bro finds excuses to visit Amy every day
* Excuses like: " Amy needs a laptop and dosen't have a car" and "Amy has a Headache and needs meds."
* Soon we never see Big Bro no more :(
* Big Bro likes Amy
* Amy likes Big Bro
* Amy ends up owing roomates Ice cream ;)
* Big Bro relaizes that he loves Amy
* Big Bro want to be with Amy forever
* Amy feels the same :)
* They decide they want to be together forever
* Big Bro FORGETS to tell Lil' Sis he is proposing.... :/
* Big Bro and Amy go pick out a ring
* Amy's roomates quickly make themselves dissappear from her apartment
* Big Bro is late for work.... So he calls and tells a Traffic Fib
* Big Bro tells Amy he loves her and asks her to be his wife for enterity
* Amy says... YES!
* Lil' Sis has no clue this is evern happening.... >:(
* Big Bro finally remembers to call Lil' Sis :)
* This story has no end:) You must have forgot they are going to be together FOREVER
* This chapter though, will end December 4th or 18th ( don't ask) at the Jordan River or Timpanogos Temple.
So there you go:)
*There is a chance I may have gotten somethings wrong... but I tried my best to remember how everything went:)