Sunday, February 27, 2011

Im Long winded....SORRY!...Here's...RUTH!

Day 1: Ruth
The very first time I met Ruth was in
Mr. Negro's
Sophmore Honors English Class.
Mr. Negro loved Ruth.
Ruth did not love Mr. Negro
Nor do I think she enjoyed
our class full of snots.
She sat kiddie-corner to me
and seemed to project
an air of sophistication
around her, that made me
afraid to speak to her.

(Ruth's look of Sophistication)

I first spoke to Ruth
when were put in
the same group to
play Apples to Apples.
She asked my name,
smiled and then promptly
turned to talk to her
neighbor who went to
Junior High
with her.
Oh well.
Obviously our story doesn't end here
or else why would I be blogging about her?
Junior year came
and with it
came Spanish 2
I'm not sure how I
even passed
Spanish 1!
With Spanish 2
"Table Cliques"
Ruth sat up front with all the
popular sophisticated
smart Spanish learning people.
I sat at the table in the back with the
creeper guy and the girl who
spent all class writing swear words
on her binder.
One day I happened to get
to Spanish class early.
Ruth watched my walk in the door
and quickly shouted my name
Who me?
Ruth, along with James and Andrew,
waved me over, smiled and promptly
asked me to sit at their table.
I was feeling quite honored until
I was informed
that they were sick
of this one kid sitting with them
so they had to fill up the table quick!
Oh well...
at least I'm better then the
annoying kid.
It turns out that Ruth and her Spanish Smarty table
liked me enough to allow my to sit at their table
from then on.
They were quite nice,
and I learned that Ruth
wasn't as scary as I thought she was.
In fact she helped me all class period long
and would pull these funny faces
at me.
Life in Spanish was finally good:)
Until I had to switch periods...

Funny Faces like this :)

Ruth and my story would have ended here,
if it wasn't for
You see all through
Junior Year
I became good friend with Mr. Kameron.
In turn
was becoming good friends
with dear Ruth,
I just had no clue it was going on...
I guess I must be thankful for Kam's
lack of credit in Science:)
To make my already LONG
Blog post not so much longer
(aka make a long story short)
Kam and Ruth became
Good Friends.
Kayla and Kam
became good friends.
Kam leaves the summer
after Graduation to live in
Kayla is a bad friend
and doesn't keep
in good contact with Kam.
Ruth is a good friend
and stays in contact with Kam.
Kam comes home.
Kam has new mystery friend girl!
Kam is no longer available
because he at times is with
Mystery Girl.
Kayla, Bekah and Jason
curious about said
mystery girl.
We finally figure out Mystery Girl is
So, because we are slightly spoiled and want
Kam to hangout with us
every time we are together,
we invite Ruth to come too.
Poor Ruth.
We probably scared her to death.
But she kept coming back.
(Maybe only because of her love for Kam...)
and she stuck with us.
Ruth and I were now

This is KamERON and Ruth

April found me in
North Carolina as a nanny and
I had left all my friends
back in Utah.
Strangely enough
Ruth was one of the few
who tried to stay
in contact with me.
She would text me funny pictures.
Message me on facebook
and always comment on
my photos.
I grew to appreciate Ruth

July came and
I was back in Utah.
Life in NC had gone Horribly wrong
and life now back in Utah
was going wrong too....
Enter: Ruth.
Me and Ruth :)
Ruth has impacted my life
because she cared enough
to listen.

She let me ramble, cry and pitch fits.
She let me talk her ear off
and she walked a million times
around Bonneville track
while I did it.
Since then
Ruth has been one of
my closest friends.
Ruth is willing to see the
good in me
when all I'm doing is showing
the world the ugly.
She will listen while I ramble
on about stupid fluff
and she will cheer
me up in a heart beat.

I'm sure I drive her crazy more then
half the time,
but she sticks with me.
I'm so glad I have Ruth in my life!

Once upon a time,
I was very impressed with Ruth's
idea of blogging about someone she loved
every day in February.
So Today i though
"Hmmmm maybe out there in the blogging world
there is a challenge for each month..."
BEHOLD! There is :)
(At least according to
March: Everyday Blog about how you met someone
who as made an impact in your life.
At first I thought that was a very stupid idea....
But then I realized that it could be kinda fun:)
So I'm gonna do it!
Yay me!
Hopefully I don't bore you....

Ms. Lange

Lately I have been fascinated by Dorothea Lange.

I feel like we share
the same view on photography.
Un-posed people are what show the true story.
"No subject can hold anything
that is false for them for long.
So you have to wait until certain decisions
are made by the subject.
What is he going to give the camera?
And the photographer,
what is he going to take?"
- Dorothea Lange

Ms. Lange makes me feel restless.
I want to travel around like her.
I want to take photos that capture the
true meaning inside of people's lives.
I just want to follow some one all day
and document their day!
I want my photos to impact American,
Like Ms. Lange's Migrant Mother did.

Migrant Mother - 1936
This Dorothea Lange's most famous picture.
This single picture ( after circulating all of the USA) convinced the U.S. Government to send 20 thousand pounds of food to the starving pea pickers in Nipomo, California.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Sympathy Protest Pains

It's 5 AM (ish)
I'm still kinda out of it.
So it is not really the
best time to be blogging.
Why am I?
No clue.
I'm also super thirsty.
I've been super thirsty all night.
Maybe it's because I dreamt
I was running.
There was also a big protest
going on in my dreams.
The problem is....
I can't quite remember what
dream land
were protesting....
My lack of sleep?
My bad habit of eating junk food?
Maybe my new addiction of
American Idol?
(I've never watched it fascinates me.)
Maybe I was having SPP
(Sympathy Protest Pains)
for some great cause out there.
All I can say
is the little protest people
in dream land
were quite loud
and made me thirsty.
Song of the Early Birds: Lullaby- Priscilla Ahn

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

180 degree turn of the Day #48

"H"( 3) coming up to me and saying:
"Glasses make you sexy"

Lol thanks "H":)

Monday, February 21, 2011

And so my needs are great

I've tried for the past 20 minutes
to write how I feel about today
and about needing some comfort.
All I can say now is
it's time for primary songs.
It's time to sit quietly,
to ponder,
and just listen.
A Few Favorites:
*If the Savior stood beside me
*I am a child of God
*If I listen with my heart
( Primary Focus song for 2011)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Let's pretend we're just two people and
You're not better than me.

Who do you pray for at night
before you go to sleep?

What do you feel when
you look in the mirror?

Are you proud?

These are things
I find myself
wanting to ask
and even
some days.

Song of the Day: Dear Mr. President -PinkFont size

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

lessons of the night life.

Lesson #47
Never ask Krystal to curl hair after 9:30 pm.
Krystal is a perfectly prefect perfectionist
and will not let you up until every hair is curled
into curls that meet the Krystal Curl Standard.
Normal this would be FANTASTIC!
But when you are running
on about 3 hours of sleep
most likely
you will fall asleep
and that's a scary thing
when your nodding off
and there a
big huge
burning metal rod
next to your ear....
Lesson #48 My hair is to short to curl into attractive curls

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mad World

~Kayla Cannon Photography~

All around me are familiar faces
Bright and early for the daily races

And I find it kind of funny,
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
are the best I've ever had

Children waiting for the day they feel good
And I feel the way that every child should

Mad World-Gary Jules
Ruth Gonzalez
Kameron Muhlestein

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Forgotten Love

For me,
editing photos
is a long proces.
Like wine and Cheese,
pictures get better with age.
I have come to find
that the best pictures
are the

No picture though
is really
It's just tucked away
in my folders
until the time
is right to edit it.

the time came for
a few
Kameron and Ruth.

We Could All Use
More Love"
By: Kayla Cannon

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


don't you ever feel
Like you're less than perfect?

Song of the Day: Perfect-Pink

Monday, February 7, 2011


I'm a true lover
of random quotes.
Becuase random quotes can
have a million different meanings
to a million different people.

what do they mean to you?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

instead of making sure
the bathroom is clean
and the
Living room is tidy
for the
Super lame Bowl
I create
Blog titles
on my
Red Hat.
Because to be honest...
I don't care much
about Football.

Convince Yourself!

for no reason at all....
I take a picture of myself.
This isn't the most flattering picture
of me
I feel like it captures
how I feel today.
I have 10 minutes
until Primary,
so I don't really
have time to write a
decent blog post.
So you will just have to make
due with looking
at this pictures,
reading older posts
and convincing
that you would like
me to take some pictures of
I'm always campaigning
for models:)
Ruth and Kam are
my next upcoming
I have big plans
for those two.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Just Another Girl

There is only one happiness in life: to love and to be loved.
-George Sands

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Thoughts

Retrieving photos

Having the day off:)

Getting a chance to watch a million episodes of ER

Editing photos

Little Lion Man- Mumford and Sons*

Chocolate Frosty

Kam looking happy to see me,

when I said "Hi" to him at Winco.

Girls Night at Katie's:)

"These are a few of my favorite things"

- Maria (The Sound of Music)


Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it"
-Anne Shirley

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


No one is better then Ben Folds
when it comes to being human.
He has the perfect song for every
I-am-only-human moment I have
I mess up,
I get mixed up,
frustration reigns,
anger ensues,
and BAM!
Hello Ben Folds,
Welcome Back.

Ben Folds Song of the Day: Best Imitation of Myself.