Sunday, January 30, 2011


Is what
I have been
working on lately.

Song of the Day: Sympathy- The Goo Goo Dolls
Dedicated to Ruth!
Sorry about friday:(

Friday, January 28, 2011

I think there comes days when we
just want to sit down
and cry our hearts out.
I guess sometimes though,
when you can't bear to cry
you have to just
lay on the floor
and laugh.
laugh until the tears
pour down your face,
laugh until every tear has been shed
and finally be at peace.
It doesn't make sense
but at the same time
it does.
Song of the Night:
There is a Light that never goes Out. -The Smiths

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Two Things.

I really need to watch
Anne of Green Gables and Charly.
Like SUPER DUPER badly!
I need bosom friend
I need a Sam
I need a carrot head
I need that ride on the ferris wheel
I need puffed sleeves
and most of all because,
He said I was probably a
glutton for punishment,
but I suppose I've always known that.
Song of the Night:
Samson- Regina Spektor

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Daily Picture

"Dreams are what She's made of
Reality is what She lives with"
This is Ruth.
You all have seen her before.
She is amazing
when it comes to modeling
for me.
Actually, she's amazing when it comes
to just about anything.
All my pictures of Ruth always seem magical.
Ready to leap out of the computer.
I love that together, we can
create that:)
People like Ruth
are the reason
I want to be
I want to capture those dreams
they have shining in
their eyes
and the reality
they live with
Samson- Regina Spektor

Guilty Pleasure

When Sick I give in to
guilty pleasures.
Like watching
The Real Housewives of Atlanta
at 7:00 a.m.
I can't breathe.
I can't sleep.
So why not?
There is no real point to this show,
but I get a kick out of yelling
me opinions out at the TV.
Bravo is a good guilty pleasure channel
My other Guilty Pleasure would be pancakes...
but when sick,
one does not feel like
cooking pancakes.
So I eat 2 Special K breakfast bars,
(The kind with chocolate drizzled over the top)
as I wish there was a magical
Pancake Fairy.

P.S. I think I'm on my fifth box of tissues
I hate colds.....

Song of the Morning:
Your Love Is My Drug- Ke$ha
Firework- Katy Perry

Sunday, January 23, 2011


There are some people in life
I just don't know how to deal with.
It causes me a truck load of stress!
It seems like no matter what I do and how I do it,
I'm doing it wrong!
I hate that feeling.
A lot.
I'm going to bed.
Hopefully in the morning
things will be better.

Please feel free to listen too:
Place in this world- Taylor Swift
Pictures to Burn- Taylor Swift
Hey Jude- The Beatles
But, I really LOVE the version from Across the Universe by: Joe Anderson

Friday, January 21, 2011

A day like this.

It is days like this,
That I want to stand in the middle
of the crowded room
and Yell:
but then,
when everyone had
turned to look at me
I would have
nothing to say.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Random Happenings #52


Ketchup and I have never been friends.
Unless it was being close
friends with Mayo.
Then we were BEST friends.

Today I decided to Give Ketchup another chance.
Because I had chicken fingers
and NO dipping sauces
in the fridge what-so-ever:(
So I decided to give Ketchup a chance.

I think ketchup and I can be
great friends now:)
As long as I have
Chicken fingers,
and Blue Doritos.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

10 prayers

Today is the kind of day where:
All five of my sunbeams
wanted to say an opening
and closing prayer.
Each whispered by a different voice.
Each sweet.
Each strong.
Little things like that,
make it easier to see the
"little things"
that I miss everyday.


F is for Friends who do stuff together!
U is for you and me!
N is for anywhere and anytime at all!

Friday, January 14, 2011


To Be Honest:

I'm super tired.

I haven't prepared my primary lesson.

My room is a mess of clothes.

My bathroom could stand to be straightened up.

I have been sleeping on the couch in the family room.

I enjoy falling asleep reading "The Hunger Game"

I'm currently in love with "Cute is what We Aim for"

I almost forgot the balloons for the photo-shoot.

My right blinker/brake light needs to be replaced

"I've got birds in my ears and a devil on my shoulder"

My hair looks really red today.

I feel super gross.

I'm glad I have a giant tub.

Pretzels and Ginger Ale is the best snack EVER.

I want to make a video.

"The dream is which I'm dying are the best I've ever had."

I enjoy watching old videos I posted on facebook.

When I drive to SLC, I always remember/ think about the exact same

I don't really like pie.

Did I mention I'm tired?

I bought a "Nanny" style hat.

I also bought two different pairs of red tights

How dose one go about popping their neck?

" We're more then a slice of American Pie"

I need to find models for my "Equality" photo shoot.


I'm just waiting...

for many things.

That's the truth

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Restored Faith in Man

Dear Kind Sir,
I don't even know your name,
but today you restored my faith in man kind.

You had no way of knowing I was up all night
puking and gagging.

You had no way of knowing that I was late to work,
Sleep deprived and feeling blue.

You had no warning the around 8:00 a.m.
my car would slide on ice,
spin across the freeway
and land inches from your white van.

You had every right to roll your eyes
and flip me the bird.

Or to curse at me
and honk your horn.

Instead you quickly turned off your car,
in the middle of the free way,
with cars honking and rushing by.

You checked to make sure I was unharmed
and cheerfully shrugged away my million
"I'm so Sorry!"
with a " No harm done" and a smile.

You then especially didn't have to do what you did next...

You didn't have to stand
in the middle of the freeway,
stopping traffic,
so that I could flip my car,
that was facing south on north bound,
the correct direction and drive to work.

Thank you Sir.
For what you may have viewed
as nothing.
I view as something

I wish I knew your name.
I wish I could tell you this in Person.
Thank you Kind Sir.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ducks, Hepatitis and Creepers! OH MY!

Today Ruth, Kam and I went to Duck Pond.
I haven't been there in months
and was really missing my duck friends.
I had to remind myself it is winter though,
so most ducks would be partying in the South
and I shouldn't get my hopes up:(
To my great surprise/happiness
a great *flock and herd of ducks were at Duck Pond!
Ruth and I fed the ducks bread and chips,
while Kam fed himself bread and chips.
Silly Boy.

Next we went to Walmart!

Activities included:

*Saying hello to CHELSEA!

*Looking for tights/legging for my Photo shoot.

*Explaining to Kam how the sizing chart for tights worked

*Finding Lilo & Stitch and Where the Wild Things Are

for very cheap prices (Thanks Walmart!)

*Me totally missing "Creepers" checking me out,

*Ruth seeing "creepers" check me out,

*Kam is oblivious.

*Saying Goodbye to Chelsea.

*Ruth telling me about said "Creepers"

-Don't you just hate it when you miss out on being check out :/?

Cafe RIO!
Kam was hungry, I was thirsty, and Ruth was just happy!
so we ate, drank and were merry.
Kam then got a headache and informed us that
the headache meant he now had Hepatitis.
Hepatitis B to be exact.**
LOL it reminded me about the time Bekah and I were talking
to Jose about "The H word" (Herpes)
Kam was sorta sick-ish
Ruth was worried-ish
and I had yet to turn in
my photos for "Itty Bitty Lehi",
so I was late-ish

I went to Lehi and turned in my photos!***

I'm sick with a headache and nausea
Maybe I have hepatitis now too ;)
*Flock and Herd- SO many ducks they must make up a flock and a herd:)
** Kam DOSE NOT have hepatitis
*** If you want to go see my work, PLEASE go visit:
Lehi Art Center
685 North, Center Street
Lehi, Utah

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

These days...

These days I watch Disney movies
and figure out what characters are re-used.

These days I spend at work with crabby, crying, loving, whining, smiling, fighting children.

These days I plan for photo shoots
(this includes spending hours at the mall looking for pants that flatter people's butts.)

These days I go to Denny's with friends

These days I try hard to remember when to turn in photos
and when to turn in paperwork.

These days I plan my trip to Ohio in 2012.

These days I try to figure out why ever Tom, Dick and Harry needs a beard???
(scruff is fine :] )
These days I plan how to re-paint my room.

These days I take long bubble baths in my giant tub.

These days I think I had better re-dye my hair soon...

These days I learn i need to make new friends
and maybe re-connect with a few others.

These days I REALLY BADLY want to go on a road trip!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Oh, Romeo, yeah, you know I used to have a scene with him"

I wish it was raining so I could dance in the rain.
I wish I Had cool glasses and not Librarian glasses.
I'm kinda loving my wavy hair today.
Cheaper by the Dozen made me cry this afternoon.
Kirsten Dunst in "Fifteen and pregnant" made me a little annoyed.
I learned the "Boo's" really name is Mary.
Did Mike always have those horns????
I want to take a picture of a couple in the desert.
Desert has one "s" and dessert as two "s' "
Why? Because you don't want more then one desert, but everyman loves two desserts:)
Romeo and Juliet (cover) by: The Killers makes me Happy every time I hear it.
I must admit, when I found out the Killers didn't write "Romeo and Juliet"
and it was just them doing a cover of it.... I was pretty mad.
They do it the best:)
"Hey, la, my boyfriend's back!"

Song Of The Day: "Romeo and Juliet"- The Killers

Friday, January 7, 2011


Main Course: Elizabethtown
I found "Elizabethtown" today under my bed.
I haven't watched it in almost a year.
I kinda want to watch it.
But not really.
dose that make any sense?
It does in my mind.
But...can I really be the girl in the red hat?

On The Side: Photography
I'm way excited for my UAF photo-shoots.
The First one is only a week away!
Models: check!
Wardrobe: Uh...Kinda check!
Props: I need a boat..... really bad!
Possible Name: "Boats and Birds"
I'm in love with the song
"Boats and Birds" By: Gregory and the Hawk
currently (thanks to Ruthie Von!/pages/Ruthie-Von/172579272782370)
and it seems to portray the mood
and feelings I want to capture.

Song of the Day: Mad World ( Tears for Fears) -Gary Jules
I really want to do a "Human Rights/ Equality" photo-shoot with this song.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Oh Tuesday.....

Today is the kind of day you need
a comfy blanket, a sappy movie and a Hug.
No chocolate.
Chocolate does not work.
Today is also the kind of day where you (I) have no time.

Song of the day: Boats and Birds- Gregory and the Hawks

Monday, January 3, 2011

I am the Walrus.

It's been a crazy sort of day!
So Crazy mess of thoughts begin.....HERE!
Bridals of Amy= 0
Amy in wedding dress, sitting in Sav-More Auto= 1
My first born will be named Paul.*
Thanks Sgt. Paul.
By the way, I think my life should be made into a Movie
or at least a cheesy Sitcom!
I'm holding Auditions February 29th :)
Pink-Raise your glass = :D
Katy Perry- Hot N Cold = :{D
I have been invited ( by U of U) to enter into the Utah Arts Festival.
This is a BIG deal
I have to do Model Contracts and EVERYTHING!
I'm SUPER excited!
Photo shoots in progress so far:
- Couple #2
- Couple #1
- "Human Rights"
Aren't the names fabulous???

Song Of the Day: I am the Walrus- The Beatles

* To be Honest my first born will most likely be named Kennedy or Jason West

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Dear Boys 15 to 19-ish years old,
I know you want to be a big boy :D
In fact, You want to be a...MAN!
But I have some bad news for you.... :C
You cannot pull off the "sexy" facial hair.*
I know you are trying your best!
I some what applaud your efforts too!
But lets just wait until you are out of your "teens"
to try the full blown "Man Beard"

*Yes, I do acknowledge that some boys/"men" can pull off the "sexy" scruff during teen years. But I have only seen about three of those boys/"men"....