It's 3 AM and dear RUTH has tagged me to randomly post things about myself. 3 AM might not be the best time to be doing this......But I'll just do it anyway. But if it sucks.... it's not my fault. K?
1) I refused to wear jeans until I was 12 because I thought they felt "weird". I remember in first grade we were told to wear a white tee and jeans for a program and when I raised my hand to tell my teacher "I don't have any jeans.", she just looked at me really weird.
2) I now have two DSLR cameras, Shelly(Pentax) and Ike (Nikon), and it makes me feel "legit" even though they are not really highly professional cameras. I want to go take a million fall photos with Ruth, but I do worry a teeny tiny bit that she will be an amazing picture taker because she is just AMAZING at everything and I'm only amazing at being a picture taker. But it really is just a teeny tiny worry...
3) If I could only read three book series for the rest of my life, they would be Harry Potter, Anne of Green Gables, and Little House on the Prairie . But the only movie I like out these three in Anne of Green Gables....
4) I plan to name almost all my children after book characters. I say almost because I think I may want to name my first boy "Kris" after my brother, because he is named after my mother's brother. Though I may have to not do this if he still plans on calling my daughter "Ken", if I name her Kennedy >:/
5) I am a very critical judge when it comes to wedding announcements.... please don't make yours ugly. There is no shame in asking some artistically person to design it for you. Hmmm... now that I have written this out loud, most likely karma will bite me in the butt and I will have an ugly announcement when I get married.
6) I have tried for the past year(s) to make a successful website for my Photography......but I have yet to create one I feel looks "professional" :/ This really really bugs just have no idea.
7) It is almost 4 AM.... How did it take me an hour to write this????
I know you think that last one is is a cheap random fact but oh well... time for bed. Plus 7 random facts? why 7? that's the most random thing.
Oops! I have to tag three people to also be random!
I choose..... Amy, Katie & Chelsea
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
It's a GIVEAWAY!!!!
Check it out!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Please just Let this week end.
Responsibility is a Big word.
It has a Big meaning too.
Sometimes I feel like all my Responsibility
gets used on the wrong things.
This week has been horrible and full rocky moments.
I'm sick of tripping and falling.
I think I will just lay here on the ground until next week.
It has a Big meaning too.
Sometimes I feel like all my Responsibility
gets used on the wrong things.
This week has been horrible and full rocky moments.
I'm sick of tripping and falling.
I think I will just lay here on the ground until next week.
Friday, May 6, 2011
I'm Kinda LUCKY
This is Ruth.
She is UBER talented
One day she will be FAMOUS
Her music is
every day
and for
any mood
one might be in.
She is EXTRA amazing
after one
has had a VERY bad day.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
I love to write letters,
yet I deeply struggle with sending them.
Most are enveloped and stamped...
yet they sit in my room,
in my "secret" drawer
full of unsent letters.
There just something too final
about closing my little
in a metal box
surrounded by bricks
for my liking.
Maybe if I had a more happy
using a mailbox would be easier :/
Monday, May 2, 2011
Today I feel like I'm a horribly mean Nanny....
Aidan has defiantly been on a rebellious act today,
and I have retaliated with a mean act.
He is driving me crazy!
...And I'm sure I'm driving him crazy.
I could easily Blame it on:
*We both woke up on
the wrong side of the bed.
* Catholic Schools give to much
homework to 2nd graders
* My 5 hours of sleep.
* and the thought that maybe
we shouldn't make children bathe,
in fact we should just
let them roll around in mud 24/7
Or maybe I could take a deep breathe
and remind myself that:
*It's tough being a kid
* I never liked math either.
* I also hate getting up extra early to take
a semi-warm shower.
* I got to read Harry Potter
today, while he had to sit in class.
* I was rebellious at 8.
* Aidan has many good quality
that I enjoy.
and most important
*This day will come to an end
and we can try for a better tomorrow.
I think now I will end this Post,
Take one more calming breath,
walk up to Aidan's room,
where he has been sent
to think over this
and we can talk about went
wrong today.
Maybe then we can both say
sorry, come downstairs
and have a brownie.
Wish me luck!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Well...maybe only the boys...
My Children May Just Be Named After TV Characters:)
-John Carter
-Luka*/ Luke
* My child might be mocked if I call him "Luka"...
I never knew I could be so excited to start school!
But I am.
I need some social interaction
with people above the age of 3.
I also feel the urge to watch Winnie the Pooh.
So, TTFN!!!
Ta Ta For Now
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Larry Agrees with Me
Let's just start by saying,
I am NOT one of those neat and tidy people.
My room(s) are disasters.
I don't use my closet
as much as i seem to use my floor.
and I'm very sorry to
anyone who has every had
to ride in my car
*especially the back seat....
Kam and Ruth should get medals of bravery.
They are back their the most.
Those things I will willing agree
with my mother are full of Clutter.
What don't we agree on?
My Photo "Props."
My Photo "Props."
Mother views them as "Random Clutter"
I view them as Beautiful.
* It's like Lilo's picture of Fat people
" Aren't they beautiful?"
Mother doesn't see the great joy in keeping
2 giant fake pumpkins in the garage.
she REALLY doesn't
enjoy my ledge of
by the computer.
I find great comfort in my
yellow phone,
boxes of nick-knacks,
baby guitar
and of course
Larry the Dinosaur
being right by me as I edit photos
and dream of new photos to be taken.
Besides, I keep most of my teacups, clocks,
coat, dresses, flowers,
umbrellas, balloons, hair pieces,
and hats,
OUT of the
computer area.
... and scattered other places in the house ;)
This post as no point except
to help me procrastinate
cleaning up my
So post comes to an end
and I might just go put my things away.
Except Larry.
I need Larry.
My Wall of Props:)
Nick-knacks, Larry, nick knacks, Phones, letter to Andy,bucket,Guitar
Saturday, April 16, 2011
I want to do a big photo-shoot.
Like a GIANT one.
20 people at the least.
I just want to snap pictures
of them interacting.
getting to know one another.
even glaring:)
I want to save the
people give out when they meet for the first time.
In my head it is a glorious thing:)
Friday, April 15, 2011
I don't know how to paintball...
I find Paintball enthusiast a bit scary..
I've seen the bruises it leaves...
and I don't do well with Guns....
So why did I tell him I can't wait to go?
Monday, April 11, 2011
Tonight I looked.
Some times I look in the mirror
and I'm happy with what I see.
with who I am
Other days I look in the mirror
and can only sigh.
I love the days when I'm completely
When I having so much fun with friends,
surrounded in laughter and happiness
I completely forget
about my worries from:
an hour ago
last week
last month
last year.
Then the simplest thing shocks me back into reality.
But the shock is old.
and the next minute my
mind and heart go
back to the
And I know that
some of my worries
from the past
and gone for good.
That's what a good night is made of.
Tonight I look at my messy hair,
the black head on my face,
my worn out sweater
and to large tank-top
and I don't think I have ever looked better.
Happiness makes you beautiful.
Goodnight Friends.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Tonight I worked on making a
Photography Blog.
It's looking OK...
but I can't help feel
discouraged when I see
other photographer's blogs.
They all look so fresh
and amazing.
Mine to me isn't looking
so fresh...
or amazing.
Hopefully I will get better at designing
me blog.
Feel free to check it out.
I HAPPILY welcome
any constructive criticism
you can offer to help me out!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
I have to many emotions
to contain inside today.
I can feel it.
Pushing against my heart.
Running around my head.
Spilling out my eyes.
This is not what I meant to write about.
But that's what came out.
P.S. I now have feathers in my hair:)
P.S.S I watched Tangled.
I laughed...
I cried....
I want a chameleon.
P.S^3 there is a knife on the top of the car port...
should I be worried?
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Garden HOE!
Monday while shopping at Winco
I noticed seeds were on sell.
30% off!
I of course bought some.
Problem: Me and Green Thumb-ness don't mix....
That didn't stop me though from going to Home Depot and buying
a 72 cell seed starter.
Yes.. 72.
Why do i need 72?
So my peas, corn, tomatoes, pansies and catnip
are planted,
watered again,
and continue to be little black mounds of squishy dirt....
Then again it's only been 3 1/2 days.
the packets said it takes 8-12 days to "germinate"
but I'm not the patient kind.
Hence the most logical reason for my Non-Green Thumb condition.
But once more I continued on
blatantly ignoring my condition.
For example.
Today I weed whacked.
you read right.
Kayla M Cannon,
weed whacked for the
very first time
in my
And I did it in shorts.
Why did i weed whack?
Because the area in my backyard
that was designed by
delusional people
to be a garden
if full of
thigh high
It's like a jungle.
Maybe I should have gotten a tiger instead of
a 72 cell seed starter kit.
And said jungle will have to be removed
so that my 72 cell seed starter kit
will have some where to be deposited when( if... ) they grow.
SO out a went and weed whacked.
My fathers departing words were
"When you cut yourself, come in, and I'll take you to the ER"
but my weed whacking adventure contained no blood.
Now i have a 2x8 foot area of ground that looks like
it's been given a very bad hair cut.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Life in the day
Ash Wednesday was Yesterday.
I had no clue until I picked up
Aidan at school.
All moms were dressed in their Sunday Best
I was dressed in a hoodie and Jeans.
Cue: Stink Eye part 1
Aidan had "dirt" on his face.
I tried to wipe it off his face.
Cue: Melt down.
Aidan hysterically
started to scream
oops... It was Holy Ashes
Cue: Stink Eye part 2
Once calmed,
Aidan peered at my face and asked
"Where are your ashes?"
I told him I didn't have any.
"Why didn't you go to church?"
I explained that I wasn't Catholic.
"Non-Believers go to Hell."
Cue: Time to go.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
This evening as
I put together paperwork for photo shoots,
edited and looked through
my vast collection of folders
I realized something.
I never take photos
of my family.
I have taken the quick snap shot
of birthdays, vacations and
family outings.
but I have never
an artistic one.
I've never once asked for their
help or time
when it comes
to my photography
and goals.
I feel kinda ashamed of myself....
Song of the Night: Piano Man- Billy Joel
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Day 2: Krystal
Today my best friend turned 19!
How we meet is simple and quick.
All through our childhood we lived
three streets away
went to the same schools
and attended
in the same church building...
I never meet Krystal
until we were 14.
9th grade year
was my first year at OJHS
without my ward/neighborhood friends
Kylee and Bekah.
Luckily on my first day of school
in A2 sewing class
I meet
Krystal Karns.
Though she thought
I was a bit of an annoying know-it-all
and I thought her to be
a bit too shy and quiet.
We managed to become fast friends.
Thanks to the help of B3 Seminary too.
To be honest I don't remember a lot about the
exact moment I met
I know she was wearing a
pink shirt
and she smiled a lot
and showed me her super cute
But other then that It seemed
like your run of the mill
meet and greet
in a new class.
I know... I know...
You would think I would remember
more about meeting my best friend.
But it wasn't how we meet that
made us best friends.
It was the days to follow
and to come that made us best friends.
Sewing troubles brought on
our first laugh.
Gilmore Girls
brought on our first hang out.
Our Dads
brought on our first tears
Krystal's Daddy was sick,
My Daddy was sentenced to 3 years
and 3 months into the school year
Krystal brought on my
first pang of fear.
The fear I was going to loose her.
When Krystal told me one day in A2
that her family was thinking about moving
I realized then how much
her friendship meant
to me.
There was no one else like
Krystal Karns.
She already was
my dearest friend.
Luckily she didn't move.
For four years now Krystal has impacted my life.
If I was to write down everything that was special about her
this blog post would never end.
I love everything about her.
The way we seem to
have our own silly
The way she offers me
her shoulder when I cry
The way she rates the boys I date.
The way she cares about me
even when I don't
deserve her.
The way she understands
my needs for
ducks, chickens and all fowl
The way she tactfully made
sure I was never alone
for long
when my mom had to work late.
The way she huffs at me when
she's annoyed with me.
The way she lets me spread my wings
and bandages me up when I fall.
The way we share the fluffy pillows.
They way she understands
that I need LOTS
of sweet'n'sour sauce
and how fresh fries
and nuts on sundaes are a MUST!
Simple thing with us become magical.
Because we are best friends.
All the bumps, lumps and pot holes
of life will be weathered
All the loving, exciting and wonderful things
will be shared.
We aren't perfect.
we don't always get along.
but we find our way back
to each other every time.
I'm so glad I have Krystal.
That's all that really matters.
Love ya Friend
A Very Happy Birthday
to You!

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Im Long winded....SORRY!...Here's...RUTH!
The very first time I met Ruth was in
Mr. Negro's
Sophmore Honors English Class.
Mr. Negro loved Ruth.
Ruth did not love Mr. Negro
Nor do I think she enjoyed
Nor do I think she enjoyed
our class full of snots.
She sat kiddie-corner to me
and seemed to project
an air of sophistication
around her, that made me
around her, that made me
afraid to speak to her.

I first spoke to Ruth
when were put in
the same group to
play Apples to Apples.
She asked my name,
smiled and then promptly
turned to talk to her
neighbor who went to
Junior High
with her.
Oh well.
Obviously our story doesn't end here
or else why would I be blogging about her?
Junior year came
and with it
came Spanish 2
I'm not sure how I
even passed
Spanish 1!
With Spanish 2
"Table Cliques"
Ruth sat up front with all the
popular sophisticated
smart Spanish learning people.
I sat at the table in the back with the
creeper guy and the girl who
spent all class writing swear words
on her binder.
One day I happened to get
to Spanish class early.
Ruth watched my walk in the door
and quickly shouted my name
Who me?
Ruth, along with James and Andrew,
waved me over, smiled and promptly
asked me to sit at their table.
I was feeling quite honored until
I was informed
that they were sick
of this one kid sitting with them
so they had to fill up the table quick!
Oh well...
at least I'm better then the
annoying kid.
It turns out that Ruth and her Spanish Smarty table
liked me enough to allow my to sit at their table
from then on.
They were quite nice,
and I learned that Ruth
wasn't as scary as I thought she was.
In fact she helped me all class period long
and would pull these funny faces
at me.
Life in Spanish was finally good:)
Until I had to switch periods...

Funny Faces like this :)
Ruth and my story would have ended here,
if it wasn't for
You see all through
Junior Year
I became good friend with Mr. Kameron.
In turn
was becoming good friends
with dear Ruth,
I just had no clue it was going on...
I guess I must be thankful for Kam's
lack of credit in Science:)
lack of credit in Science:)
To make my already LONG
Blog post not so much longer
(aka make a long story short)
Kam and Ruth became
Good Friends.
Kayla and Kam
became good friends.
Kam leaves the summer
after Graduation to live in
Kayla is a bad friend
and doesn't keep
in good contact with Kam.
Ruth is a good friend
and stays in contact with Kam.
Kam comes home.
Kam has new mystery friend girl!
Kam is no longer available
because he at times is with
Mystery Girl.
Kayla, Bekah and Jason
curious about said
mystery girl.
We finally figure out Mystery Girl is
So, because we are slightly spoiled and want
Kam to hangout with us
every time we are together,
we invite Ruth to come too.
Poor Ruth.
We probably scared her to death.
But she kept coming back.
(Maybe only because of her love for Kam...)
and she stuck with us.
Ruth and I were now

This is KamERON and Ruth
April found me in
North Carolina as a nanny and
I had left all my friends
back in Utah.
Strangely enough
Ruth was one of the few
who tried to stay
in contact with me.
She would text me funny pictures.
Message me on facebook
and always comment on
my photos.
I grew to appreciate Ruth
July came and
I was back in Utah.
Life in NC had gone Horribly wrong
and life now back in Utah
was going wrong too....
Enter: Ruth.

Ruth has impacted my life
because she cared enough
to listen.
She let me ramble, cry and pitch fits.
She let me talk her ear off
and she walked a million times
around Bonneville track
while I did it.
Since then
Ruth has been one of
my closest friends.
Ruth is willing to see the
good in me
when all I'm doing is showing
the world the ugly.
She will listen while I ramble
on about stupid fluff
and she will cheer
me up in a heart beat.
I'm sure I drive her crazy more then
half the time,
but she sticks with me.
I'm so glad I have Ruth in my life!
Once upon a time,
I was very impressed with Ruth's
idea of blogging about someone she loved
every day in February.
So Today i though
"Hmmmm maybe out there in the blogging world
there is a challenge for each month..."
BEHOLD! There is :)
(At least according to
March: Everyday Blog about how you met someone
who as made an impact in your life.
At first I thought that was a very stupid idea....
But then I realized that it could be kinda fun:)
So I'm gonna do it!
Yay me!
Hopefully I don't bore you....
Ms. Lange
Lately I have been fascinated by Dorothea Lange.
I feel like we share
the same view on photography.
Un-posed people are what show the true story.
"No subject can hold anything
that is false for them for long.
So you have to wait until certain decisions
are made by the subject.
What is he going to give the camera?
And the photographer,
what is he going to take?"
- Dorothea Lange
Ms. Lange makes me feel restless.
I want to travel around like her.
I want to take photos that capture the
true meaning inside of people's lives.
I just want to follow some one all day
and document their day!
I want my photos to impact American,
Like Ms. Lange's Migrant Mother did.

This Dorothea Lange's most famous picture.
This single picture ( after circulating all of the USA) convinced the U.S. Government to send 20 thousand pounds of food to the starving pea pickers in Nipomo, California.
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