Friday, January 14, 2011


To Be Honest:

I'm super tired.

I haven't prepared my primary lesson.

My room is a mess of clothes.

My bathroom could stand to be straightened up.

I have been sleeping on the couch in the family room.

I enjoy falling asleep reading "The Hunger Game"

I'm currently in love with "Cute is what We Aim for"

I almost forgot the balloons for the photo-shoot.

My right blinker/brake light needs to be replaced

"I've got birds in my ears and a devil on my shoulder"

My hair looks really red today.

I feel super gross.

I'm glad I have a giant tub.

Pretzels and Ginger Ale is the best snack EVER.

I want to make a video.

"The dream is which I'm dying are the best I've ever had."

I enjoy watching old videos I posted on facebook.

When I drive to SLC, I always remember/ think about the exact same

I don't really like pie.

Did I mention I'm tired?

I bought a "Nanny" style hat.

I also bought two different pairs of red tights

How dose one go about popping their neck?

" We're more then a slice of American Pie"

I need to find models for my "Equality" photo shoot.


I'm just waiting...

for many things.

That's the truth