Hello Dear Utah! I have made it home!!!
Bert how ever died in duty yesterday after noon:(
*For those of you who don't know Bert is one of my large suitcases. My other large suitcases, and Bert's brother, is named Ernie
It all began Monday after noon.
I was getting packed and decided I just needed on of my large suitcases.
Bert seemed like the sensible choice.
Silly Ernie is always tipping over!
Bert always stood perfectly straight
So I UN-zipped good old Bert and filled him up with all my junk.
I zipped him back up and he help all my junk so nicely:)
Wednesday morning I checked in Bert
Paid $25 for his ride to SLC
And patted him good bye.
That is the last time I saw Bert happy and healthy......
When reaching SLC and waiting a good bit of time I realized that Bert was lost!
He did not come out onto the carousel!
I need my Bert!
I need my junk!
I talked to the grumpy Baggage man aka Mr. Grumpypants
He informed me that Bert missed our plan in Chicago...
He did get on the next one and would be arriving in two hours.
I heaved a sigh of relief.
Mommy, Krystal and I went to Lunch
Then we came back for Bert!
Bert was one of the last bags out of the carousel....
and he was not standing up.
You see Bert is like a horse!
If they aren't on their feet...
Bert had been wounded in the act of duty.
There on his right side was a very large rip.
OH Bert!
He was struggling so hard to keep all my junk in
but, the rip was just to big:(
I gently lifted him down and wheeled him to Mr. Grumpypants.
"My bag has been damaged."
Mr. Grumpypants had ZERO sympathy :/
Once I made it clear I wanted to fill out a report, he got with the program quickly!
"I have a better bag I can trade out to you."
"Lets see it please" My mommy said
I was too heart broken to speak.
Mr. Grumpypants wheeled out a large black bully of a bag.
"Top of the line bag!"
"We will take it." Mommy said.
Oh dear....
So I sadly unzipped Bert for the last time...
Took out all my junk...
and feed it into the huge mouth of Hitler, my new bag.
Then it was time to leave.
Goodbye Bert....
I felt so guilty trading my loving Bert out for Hitler, a big mean bully of a bag.
Bert took it like a trooper.
He stood up straight as he could and watched me walk away.
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