It's 3 AM and dear RUTH has tagged me to randomly post things about myself. 3 AM might not be the best time to be doing this......But I'll just do it anyway. But if it sucks.... it's not my fault. K?
1) I refused to wear jeans until I was 12 because I thought they felt "weird". I remember in first grade we were told to wear a white tee and jeans for a program and when I raised my hand to tell my teacher "I don't have any jeans.", she just looked at me really weird.
2) I now have two DSLR cameras, Shelly(Pentax) and Ike (Nikon), and it makes me feel "legit" even though they are not really highly professional cameras. I want to go take a million fall photos with Ruth, but I do worry a teeny tiny bit that she will be an amazing picture taker because she is just AMAZING at everything and I'm only amazing at being a picture taker. But it really is just a teeny tiny worry...
3) If I could only read three book series for the rest of my life, they would be Harry Potter, Anne of Green Gables, and Little House on the Prairie . But the only movie I like out these three in Anne of Green Gables....
4) I plan to name almost all my children after book characters. I say almost because I think I may want to name my first boy "Kris" after my brother, because he is named after my mother's brother. Though I may have to not do this if he still plans on calling my daughter "Ken", if I name her Kennedy >:/
5) I am a very critical judge when it comes to wedding announcements.... please don't make yours ugly. There is no shame in asking some artistically person to design it for you. Hmmm... now that I have written this out loud, most likely karma will bite me in the butt and I will have an ugly announcement when I get married.
6) I have tried for the past year(s) to make a successful website for my Photography......but I have yet to create one I feel looks "professional" :/ This really really bugs just have no idea.
7) It is almost 4 AM.... How did it take me an hour to write this????
I know you think that last one is is a cheap random fact but oh well... time for bed. Plus 7 random facts? why 7? that's the most random thing.
Oops! I have to tag three people to also be random!
I choose..... Amy, Katie & Chelsea